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Dr.R.N.Singh Road, Kankarbagh Patna-800020 pearlhospital2025@gmail.com

Doctor List

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Doctor List

Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Himanshu KumarHOD
Dr. Rohit KumarMCH
Dr. Anil KumarMCH
Dr. Dheeraj KumarMCH
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Ashok KumarDM
Dr. Anwar AlamDM
Dr. Manish KumarDM
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Vijay Kumar SinhaDM
Dr. Alok KumarDM
Dr. Sandeep KumarMBBS, MD(Diploma In Cardiology,Apllo, New Delhi)
Dr. G.P. Ashutosh Kumar SinhaDM
Dr. D.K. Sinha DM
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr.Ranvir Kumar SinhaMCH
Dr. Manoj Kumar JaiswalMS
Dr. Nikhil KumarMS
Dr. Shashi DharamMS
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Blrendra KumarMS
Dr. Pawan KumarMS
Dr. Rajnish KumarMS
Dr. Vivek KumarMS
Dr. Ankur Kumar SinghMS
Dr. Dhananjay Kumar SinhaMS
Dr. Rakesh KumarMS
Dr. Manoj Kumar JaiswalMS
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Anil KumarMS
Dr. Prawn KumarMS
Dr. Manoj Kumar Jaiswal
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Radha RamanMCH
Dr. S.K SatyapalMCH
Dr. RadharamanMCH
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Sanjav KumarMS
Dr. Chandan SkekharD, Ortho,DNB
Dr. Sushil KumarMS
Dr. Niraj KumarMS
Dr. Vaidhnath KumarMS
Dr. Chandar ShekharMS
Dr. Sanjay KumarMS
Dr. Vijay KumarMS
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Anuj KumarMBBS, DNB(B.L. Kapur Hospital, New Delhi)
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Suman Kumar VermaMBBS DNB(EX-Consultant Apllo Hospital, Bangalore)
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Ravi KumarMD
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Satya PrakashMD
Dr. Punkesh KumarMD
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. R.K. SatyapalMS,BHU
Dr. Rajeev KumarMS
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Sudha
Dr. Lovely Kumari
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Pradeep Tiwari
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Anjali Singh
Dr. WilliumBPT,MPT
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Ravi SankarMS
Dr. Rajnish KumarMS
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Sunil KumarMD
Dr. MadhukarMD
Dr. Jawed AnwarMD
Dr. Pramod KumarMD
Dr. Manoj KumarDIRECTOR
Dr. Amerdeep SinghMD
Dr. Sandeep KumarMD
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Sachin Kumar VermaMD
Dr. Vivek AnandMD
Dr. Lal Narayan SinghMD
Dr. Amitabh VermaMD
Dr. UmashankarMD
Dr. Prasant KumarMD
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Rakesh KumarMDS
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Rishi KumarDM
Dr. Manoj ChaudharyMD
Dr. Jyoti PrakashMD
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Shantam MohanDM
Dr. Avinash KumarDM
Dr. Uday KumarDM
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. R.D. Yadav
Dr. Ashokanad Thakur
Dr. Manoj Kumar
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. Rekha SinhaMS
Dr. Neelam KumariMS
Dr. Rakhi KumariMS
Dr. SnehiMBBS.DGO,DNB(New Delhi)
Anjali KumariMS
Dr. Arti MishraMS
Doctor Name Doctor Details
Dr. V.P. SinghMS